Jeff Gilman

Consultant in the United States

Jeff Gilman

Consultant in the United States

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My confession is I consult for smaller firms but I'm really not an entrepreneur. At least not any longer. I used to be an entrepreneur, but there was this fork in the road and I took it.

You see, as a young man I was part owner of a campground and canoe livery business when I got the hankering to buy a manufacturing business. I realized I didn't know enough about manufacturing not to get scalped so I went back to school. And that, as they say, was that.

I've started and owned a couple of businesses and two franchises since, but I'm not really entrepreneurial anymore. That's my confession.

I've worked for and with many smaller organizations and I really love sharing what I've learned with smaller organization leaders. I appreciate what you do and recognize from my own experiences how challenging it is for you.

It would be a pleasure to help you with your smaller organization.

Jeff Gilman is from Cleveland, Ohio. He earned his MBA at Case Western Reserve University. He has consulted in the United States, Pakistan, the West Indies, and Saudi Arabia. His clients and employers have included Peat Marwick/KPMG, The US Agency for International Development, The Social Security Administration, The Saudi Ministry of Post Telephone and Telegraph, Shell Oil, The Barbados Central Bank, and many other business and non-profit organizations.

In the US, he has worked as a consultant for Orion Consulting (now CGI, Inc.), owned two franchises, two other small businesses, and consulted for many businesses, hospitals, non-profits and other organizations.

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(Don't be fooled by this older picture. I have a face for radio and this is one of the few pictures I have that flatter me. It was taken outside of Riyadh at a place called End of the World.)

  • Work
    • Self Employed
  • Education
    • MBA