Jeffrey Ikahn

Director, Filmmaker, and Actor in Los Angeles, CA

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Jeffrey Ikahn is an innovative American filmmaker, producer, actor and director based in Los Angeles. An innovator in his own creative capacity, Ikahn is passionate about creating films that promote positivity and thought leadership. The filmmaker is currently working on independent film projects.

Jeffrey Ikahn is a multifaceted creator. An adventurer at heart, Ikahn enjoys showcasing life experiences in artistic ways. As a filmmaker, he has contributed to numerous productions as a director, producer and actor. Driven by a genuine passion for creativity, the innovator enjoys working with fellow creatives in film who appreciate a grassroots approach. As an artist, he finds that these projects depict the beauty in arts and life in the most authentic way. Ikahn enjoys capturing real stories about real people, because he believes that real life is the greatest story of all! Ikahn’s work in the arts primarily focuses on the empowerment of diversity and inclusion in everyday life.

“Choice — not chance — determines your destiny.” — A positive quote from Jeffrey Ikahn