Jeff Woiton, NTP

Personal Trainer in Seattle, Washington

Jeff Woiton, NTP

Personal Trainer in Seattle, Washington

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Hi! I'm a Nutritional Therapist and I want to show you how to eat better and live better. It's not just about what you should eat, but why, when, where and how to eat.

I can help you enjoy even greater health and better athletic performance through a few simple diet modifications.

In 2010, I was in the worst health of my life: weak, low energy, shaky hands, dysphoric, had lost about 45 pounds in six weeks, and had acute diarrhea and abdominal pain. I was ultimately diagnosed with Crohn's Disease, placed on a very harsh protocol of medication and nothing else, and I was told that I would have this condition for life.

I refused to accept their prognosis and undertook my own regimen of eating only foods that would heal me. I feverishly studied the condition from all angles to see what foods would work best for me. I also signed up for classes at a local Dahn Yoga center, which took me from being a couch potato to being able to bend forward and touch my toes - a first!

Fast forward to summer of 2014. I'm discussing the results of my latest colonoscopy with my gastroenterologist. She was astonished to learn that all signs of inflammation were gone and I had put my condition into remission. There were still some markers for inflammation in my most recent blood test, but they were on the decline. I thanked her for her time and diligence, and then we had the break-up conversation. I would no longer be taking any medication, and follow-up visits would no longer be necessary. I've got it from here, thanks.

I made this sort of transformation in my life, and I can help you to create a new life for yourself as well. The process is simple, but it may not be easy to let go of everything you thought was good for you that is no longer serving you well any more. Let's cross that bridge together!

My web site has more information to help you get started on a new program for optimal health.

  • Education
    • Nutritional Therapy Association
    • Landmark Education