Jenn Cohen

Small Business Owner and tutor in Dallas, Texas

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Jenn Cohen has been in the test prep trenches for almost 20 years, but she prides herself in never feeling too comfortable calling herself an expert. She is always learning from her students, families, other pros and the research literature. She’s a lover of art and science, and believes the world is a better place with both. Meeting Neil deGrasse Tyson is on her bucket list.

She has been featured in The Dallas Morning News, ADDitude Magazine and Good Morning Texas, as well as numerous blogs around the web. She has also been a presenter at the Learning Disabilities Association national conference, as well as a speaker at high schools and parent associations. She is the leading national expert on test prep for students with special needs. She also serves as Treasurer of the Learning Disabilities Association of Texas.

She is a graduate of Duke University, and completed graduate work in clinical psychology at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas. She is a hardcore Duke sports fan, and general sports junkie, so she gets a particular kick out of her student’s sports victories.

Jenn lives in Dallas, TX with her husband and business guru, Gary, and her daughter, Erin. She enjoys cooking, museums, ’80’s bands and playing “fake Pac-Man” with Erin. It’s just as much fun as it sounds!