Jennifer Soden

Arlington, VA

Jennifer Soden

Arlington, VA

"The quality of a person's life is in direct proportion to their commitment to excellence, regardless of their chosen field of endeavor." -Vince Lombardi

Beginning at a very young age, this marketing & communications professional has been drawn to the visual. As a child, I aspired to be a wedding dress designer and regularly sketched ideas out for anyone who would look at them. I also took private art classes for nearly a decade. I'd say it was obvious, very early on, what my interests were centered around. While pursuing higher education I learned that these interests also included the psychology behind thoughts and actions--the WHY factor. Many, m-a-n-y years later, not much has changed. I spend my days expressing ideas through visual and written communications with an underlying behavioral component. If marketing were not an option, behavioral economics would be at the top of the list..and the list is long...and I will likely choose to pursue some of those careers...someday. But for now, it's rewarding for me to identify a problem, evaluate how it got to that point, determine the course of action or solution, and then interweave the creative and the behavioral aspects into the execution. And this is not just my profession I speak, goes far deeper. This way of thinking is both a blessing and a curse, as it follows me everywhere. The need to help and fix simply does not shut down and go to sleep outside the office. And if my suggestions are ever rebuffed? Hey, good enough! I'm just sharing my gift.

  • obsessed with all things food
  • perfectionist and neat freak
  • internet junkie (what did I ever do without it?)
  • wellness enthusiast
  • desire to travel the a huge RV
  • Work
    • Marketing & Communications Strategist (for hire)
  • Education
    • University of Connecticut