Jennifer Heine, MA

Beautiful Willamette Valley, Oregon

Jennifer L. Heine, MA

Mental Health Therapist


Marriage and Family Therapy

Individual Therapy

Play therapy & Parent Training.

****Now offering WALK & TALK therapy!****

Taking therapy OFF the couch!

*Walking & Talking with a trained counselor
*Benefits for mental and physical health
*Convenient with flexible locations and times
*Call (503) 507-3649 to set up a consultation

Philosophy and Approach: Therapy is a unique opportunity to grow by becoming more aware of your feelings, thoughts, and behaviors. It takes a lot of individual effort and courage to confront different issues and make positive steps forward. By coming into therapy, you already put forth great strength and courage. Your personal life is holy ground, and I feel privileged to share this time with you. We will build on your strengths and work toward new goals and answers within yourself.

The process of therapy is a journey ~ a time to explore, reflect, and discuss future goals regarding your life at this current stage and time. This can be an exciting, inspiring, and challenging time. I encourage you to adopt patience with yourself and those around you. We are all life-learners and sometimes become “stuck” along our way. In therapy, we work together toward your goals.

As a Faith-Based counselor, I firmly believe that each of us has God-given strength and gifts to take these courageous steps forward. Progress also requires realistic expectations, and open, honest communication. I view challenges “systemically,” which means I believe the past, present and future influence our lives in various and important ways. My role is to help you in this journey toward a healthier, happier, and more rewarding life.

Payment for Services: As I work toward licensure, and am under supervision, my counseling hours are in exchange for reduced fee counseling services. Clients enter into a signed fee contract for payment of services at a rate of $75 per individual session/ $95 for couples, paid at the beginning of each session. I believe that insurance companies should not dictate the number of sessions or limit the scope of issues that addressed in a therapeutic setting. As such, I do not work with insurance companies.

  • Work
    • Private Practice, Mental Health Therapist
  • Education
    • Marriage and Family Therapy, MA: George Fox University
    • Liberal Arts and Sociology, BS: Oregon State University