Jennifer Mansell

coach, facilitator, and Dancer in Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Jennifer Mansell

coach, facilitator, and Dancer in Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Jenn Mansell is quickly becoming one of Toronto’s leaders in the personal growth space, sharing her passion for coaching, movement, music, raw creative expression, and human connection wherever she finds herself.

Jenn is an Expert on Body Intelligence, a Somatic Coach, Movement Facilitator and DJ.

In her one-on-one body-based coaching practice she focuses on helping people reconnect with their bodies and feelings in a way that is deeply transformational and freeing.

Helping people get to know and understand deeply who they really are, and how they connect with themselves and others, plays a big part in her work. She trusts the body, feelings and energy to guide each session and supports people in reclaiming the parts of themselves they feel they have lost. To rediscover their aliveness and wildest selves.

Jenn has a deep passion for intuitive movement and dancing and often incorporates this element into her coaching as well as facilitating it for large groups. Taking people on musical journeys deep into themselves she helps people to find their own unique dance and expression that is true to them.

Her energy is incredibly grounding, enthusiastic and contagious leaving all those who connect with her feeling inspired, pumped up, and moved by her lightness and presence; especially after one of her live DJ dance experiences.

Follow her on Instagram for movement inspiration-