Jeon Jungkook

Seoul, South Korea


In 7th grade I learned b-boying in a club with some friends and hyungs. Afterwards, I went to the Mnet <Superstar K2> auditions and got casted by my current company’s staff. When I danced, Bang Sihyuk PD told me “No emotion. No emotion while dancing.” So, I went to the U.S for dance training. I learned urban style, female dancing style, powerful dances, and many more from famous choreographers. I think I learned how to properly show emotion in dancing.

As soon as I came to Korea, I told the hyungs “Hyung, the U.S is great. I want to go again.” so the hyungs were a bit upset. (laughs) In ‘No More Dream’, I’m in charge of saying “Okay mom, I told you I’m going to study hall now!” I have been to study hall a lot. I didn’t always study, but mostly read books. Mainly comic books…wait, was that the library? Never mind, I’ve never been to study hall.

Hyungs gave me the nickname “Golden Maknae” I think I misbehave a lot because we’re all really close. I like to say annoying things a lot to the hyungs. (laughs) (Suga: He has a good memory so he can imitate us well / Rap Monster: He makes our voices sound weird when he imitates us.) There’s nothing bad about being the maknae.

We all have our own beds in the dorm. The hyungs use the top bunks but because I got my bed last, I didn’t really have a choice. I’m about 3 cm taller than Jimin hyung. I don’t think he’s growing. (Jimin: I’m two years older than him but he keeps making fun of me for my height; I don’t think that’s right / Suga: I remember that when Jungkook first came, he was shorter than me. Seeing him grow taller makes me feel like I’ve raised him.)

I like a lot of foods, so I’ll only pick my top three. First is pork soup rice, second is sashimi, and third is sea eel. Jin hyung and I have a five-year age difference but when he talks about his childhood, I really feel the generation gap.

Sometimes I don’t really understand when hyung talks about crackers he used to eat, the movie <Godzilla>, H.O.T, and things like that. Hyungs say that I’m going through a stormy period* right now. But I don’t think it’s puberty. (Suga: People going through pubertydon’t know it’s puberty. I feel a bit sorry that he’s not able to experience the things he should be doing at that age / Rap Monster: I’m still jealous that he gets to go to the army later than us.)

* Korean expression commonly used to describe puberty.

  • Work
    • BigHit Entertainment
  • Education
    • Busan