Jeremy Clinton

Writer, Editor, and Teacher in San Francisco, CA

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When writing a narrative application essay, you will be expected to tell a story in such a way that you relate to the reader. You need to think of your essay as a sort of homework assignment that you will have to give to yourself. This could mean spending a lot of time at the library, or else doing this during a free period in school.

Here are some factors you must also include in the essay to make it unforgettable;

You need to hook the reader with an appealing introduction. This could be achieved by using a single sentence that conveys the purpose of the paper. If you are required to choose a precise phrase, ensure that it is bold and that it is factual.

The thesis statement is a statement that holds all the pieces of your story. It should be something you can guarantee your readers in a single sentence, but it could be several sentences.

When creating an application essay that is centered around your study theme, ensure that you adhere to one rule;

Avoid mixing ideas. While you could write two distinct essay topics, it would be best to stick to one so that you can present two perspectives of the same theme.

The essay should not have filler sentences that have no thought put into them. Another way to achieve this is to use transitional words that make the text flow like well-explained sentences.

If you do want to break the flow, ensure that your transitions are simple and relevant to the essay. Choose meaningful words that relate to the topic in question.

If you want to learn about different ways to create an ideal application essay, you can read some of the free sample essays available online.

Once you have figured out the flow of your essay and felt comfortable that you have given your whole story, it is time to give it a final editing check. This involves going through the essay to eliminate all the grammar and spelling mistakes. You may also need to check for typos, punctuation, and the length of the paper.This is a complex and time-consuming process that can be time-consuming, so you may want to go find someone who write essays for money. So you will certainly simplify your task.The proofreading process is mostly about eliminating errors in speech and writing, and the final editing is about ironing out all inconsistencies in the paper.