Jesse Faircloth

Internet Marketing in the United States

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About Jesse Faircloth was designed to help those of you who are about to venture into the vast world of Internet Marketing. Whether you are new to the Internet Market arena or have been struggling for years as I was, will help make your journey easier.
Just who is Jesse and why should you listen to him. Well with years of experience as a Performance Development Specialist in the ever voilital pharmaceutical industry, I have amass a great wealth of knowledge in directing people to achieve their goals and become successful.
However, my venture into the internet marketing world did not start out as an over-night success. I had no guidance and was looking everywhere for that magic bullet to zoom me to success. I was floating aimlessly in space it seems. I became a victim to almost every shiny new object to appear in my inbox. Needless to say, I lost quite a bit of money on products that I did not need and in some cases did not know how they worked…if they worked.
Then I ran across a mentor that was willing to take me by the hand and give me some direction to guide me through the maze. I learned what was useful and what I really did not need. I finally figured out that what I needed was FOCUS. I needed to learn to master one thing at a time before moving to something else. But most importantly, I learned that if I helped someone else to succeed, then my success was imminent.
Sense that time, I have been involved in several successful product launches and have done very well as an affiliate marketer. I get to spend more time with my family and actually enjoy life whether at home or vacationing in the Caribbean.
My goal is to help as many people as possible to achieve the money and lifestyle they want and deserve.

  • Work
    • Entrepreneur
  • Education
    • East Carolina University