Jessica Geisler

Student and athlete in Troy, MI

Jessica Geisler

Student and athlete in Troy, MI

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Hi! My name is Jess and I am a person that is in love with the world around me. I am currently a student at Troy High, but one day I hope to be a lawyer in the front and center of a court room. I absolutely love to debate and have always considered one of my biggest passions to be politics! I am known as the person who will argue just about anything, and I consider public speaking to be my strong suit. At this point I barely know what it is like to have a spare minute in my day; however, I believe that having a busy life full of things I love is better than living with free time. Currently I spend my days running to my next soccer practice, running in general, working and studying. In the future I plan to write a book; who knows maybe something on my blog might turn into a best-seller one day... if you’re interested click on the link above!