jeremy sharp

Monte Estoril, Portugal

Hi. My nickname is jetfighter, though i don,t fly planes. Yet. I am the co-founder of thewindowwriters. And we help people from around the world to transform the way they work and live. May sound like BS, but in a world of "yes, but" people we turn them into "why not?" people. Which of the 2 would you prefer to be? Having been to art school in London, and worked in multinational agencies (London, Lisbon, Madrid, Prague) i fired myself from planning director Ogilvy&Mather to pursue my own thing. What i,ve always wanted to do. To make people fly higher. The ultimate ambition of all of is to be happy after all. We only live once. So aim high. Because the rewards outweigh the effort. Salut!

  • Work
    • thewindowwriters
  • Education
    • Bradfield College, St Martins