Jared Friesen

Salem, Oregon

Jared Friesen

Salem, Oregon

Born and raised in a small town known as Molalla, Oregon, I've had the privelage to experience life unlike many 20 year olds. Graduating from Molalla High School in 2012, I then attended Clackamas Community College as a music major. As a Freshman, I spent my time in a vary of ways: Education in the music department, coaching basketball for a local sporting organization, and pioneering a ministry at the previous church I attended. The activities I involved myself in were spectacular, but weren't the reason why I was put on this earth. With a sense of urgency, I registered to attened Youth With A Mission's Disipleship Trainging School in Salem, Oregon. Throughout the first six months of my Sophmore year, God gave me a life changing experince in the mission field of South Africa. Now a full-time missionary, I am equipped and pasisonately called, both in my heart and mind, to reach people of all nations.

  • Work
    • Junior Athletics of Molalla
  • Education
    • Molalla High School
    • YWAM Salem
    • Clackamas Community College