Consultant, Life Coach, and Public Speaker in Austin, Texas


Consultant, Life Coach, and Public Speaker in Austin, Texas

Read my book

Jim is a nationally renowned PR, marketing and community relations practitioner. He has provided strategic counsel to many of the most respected U.S. corporations and nonprofits.

In corporate America he directed national Hispanic brand marketing for Anheuser-Busch in St. Louis, MO. after launching the company's CSR (corporate social responsibility) programs in the state of Texas. Prior to that he supervised marketing and PR for McDonald's in CA, AZ, and NV.

In his public sector career, he oversaw PR and community outreach for San Diego County's Council of Governments and oversaw marketing and community outreach campaigns for public support of the San Diego Trolley—one of the nation's most successful public light-rail systems.

His book, The ABCs and Ñ of America's Cultural Evolution: A Primer on the Growing Influence of Hispanics, Latinos and mestizos in the USA, is receiving rave reviews and awards; among them: the Felipe de Ortego y Gasca “El Tintero” award (The Sereno Alliance for Higher Education & The University of New Mexico), the “10 Best Non-Fiction Books of 2013” (LatinoAuthors.com), and “The Best Political-Current Affairs Book” and an “Honorable Mention” for “Best First Book-Nonfiction” (2014 International Latino Book Awards at the American Library Assn's national conference in Las Vegas, NV. It is available at Amazon.com and at retail and bookstore outlets across the nation. Personalized, signed copies are available only at book signings, speaking events, and online store: http://bit.ly/1luA6hY

The USAF veteran, former TV reporter and award-winning documentary film producer attended San Diego State University, Boston College, and Harvard Business School. He is also a guest lecturer and speaker at high schools, colleges, corporate meetings, and nonprofit conferences across the USA.

  • Education
    • San Diego State University
    • Boston College