Jim Lawrence

Teacher, Father, and Student in Huntsville ontario

Support my charity

Hello all! I am Jim. I’m a teacher living in Muskoka, Ontario. I am a fan of music, travel, and outdoors. I’m also interested in singing and sailing.

The "Support my charity" button was not optional....sorry. When setting up a free bio, I was required to add a link for you all to have access to. I chose the triathlon my son is doing next month. Please do not feel obligated to view or donate!!!!!

I began my career as an Outdoor Education instructor in Ontario then got the travel bug. After making my way to New Zealand on a sailboat, I decided to complete my teacher's training there waaaaaay back in 2000....remember Y2K?!?!?! We weren't sure if all the planes were going to fall out of the sky!!!

Anyway, I taught in New Zealand throughout the North and South Island, returning briefly to Ontario to serendipitously re-connect with my now wife. Then it was off to the Middle East to experience teaching in a new culture, nurture our relationship and travel as much as possible before the kids came along. After 5 fantastic years in Kuwait, we returned to Ontario and have been in Muskoka since, working and raising our 4-year-old (Kate) and 7-year-old (Andrew).

I have recently been hired into the Adult and Alternative Education world and I love it (although the recent cuts are indeed deep). The number one thing I can provide my students with is career/pathway guidance and support accessing local services. Our Guidance training is going to help me facilitate this in my building! I would love to connect with anyone else in the Alt. Ed. world to share experiences.

At least here in our board, Guidance and Career Education has shifted from one on one meetings with students towards counsellors having a role where they "oversee school-wide programs around issues such as bullying and mental health, along with credit courses in career studies for all students at the Grade 9 or 10 level to help them ponder their options and get to know themselves." (https://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/national/time-to-lead/a-new-job-description-for-school-guidance-counsellors/article557755/) This is Guidance and Career Education and supporting learners in the 21st century to me.

When I'm not working, my kids keep me busy. Finding time to stay connected with my wife is also an ongoing source of happiness!

I look forward to connecting with many of you throughout this course and learning from you all!

Take care,
