Jim Marzilli

James Marzilli is a former Massachusetts State Senator committed to democratic governance, human rights, environmental protection and reducing income inequality. He currently focuses on building democracy in Burma.

Before becoming a State Senator, Jim Marzilli served as a member of the Massachusetts House of Representatives, where he led the effort on a wide range of issues, including measures to increase the minimum wage, salaries for human service workers, restore the capital gains tax, and climate protection.

In addition to his career in politics, Marzilli has taught "Health Care Policy and Politics" at the Boston University School of Public Health, drawing upon eight distinct models to give students a unique perspective on health care policy. As the former Vice Chair of the Joint Committee on Health Care Financing, James Marzilli provided students with a first-hand account of the political operations involved in the landmark Massachusetts health care finance law.

Marzilli was a Guest Lecturer at the Boston University School of Law from 2000 to 2007, where he conducted a series of lectures on legislative drafting and parliamentary procedure.

James Marzilli served as a board member of the non-governmental organization (NGO) Massachusetts Budget and Policy Center from 1994 to 2008. As a member of the Advisory Board for the California Health Benefits Review Program from 2007 to 2008, Marzilli reviewed health care finance proposals from the California State Legislature. As the Co-Chair of the Energy and Environment Committee for the Council of State Governments Eastern Regional Conference, Marzilli coordinated legislative and executive policy efforts across 12 U.S. states and 4 Canadian provinces.