
Actor, Writer, and Producer in England, United Kingdom

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Acting in a variety of shows, from small scale touring theatre to open air street theatre mumming, Jimm enjoys playing roles which entertain the audience and complement his fellow cast, whether in a small group or a large ensemble piece.

As a comedian Jimm performs stand-up comedy - usually in character as Pirate Jimm Yaharr! - at various events throughout the Midlands and has experience both performing and writing comedy sketches.

Jimm also works free-lance as a technician, lighting designer, operator and deputy stage manager for small scale theatre companies.

Writing for Jimm includes stand-up sets, comedy sketches and small scale theatre plays, as well as playing with ideas for a couple of sitcoms - one for screen, the other hopes to produce as an animated webcast.

Along with Reece Page, Jimm co-manages Turnstyle Theatre Productions, writing, acting and providing technical support.

Pictures courtesy of David Calcutt (Bayard's Colts - Robin Hood and The Giant), Kristof Photography (at Attitude, Stein Bar, Walsall. For Dying Day Promotions), Roger Swift (Teknicolour Smoof).