John Caruana

Weatherford, TX

My last name rhymes with the stuff Clinton didn't know...the "heady" stuff Colorado just legalized. C' know it. At the beginning, just substitute a "k" for the "m". Got it?

I've been playing drums and guitar since 1959 when I was 11 years old. Played out with numerous bands during the 60’s and early 70’s in and around my native Brooklyn, NY. Then came marriage…and kids…and jobs… In 2000, I picked up a bass guitar after hearing too many bass lines in my head. When medication didn’t help, it became my primary instrument.

Since then, I have been a 5-time master class student at The National Guitar Workshop; I have played at the famous Bitter End in Greenwich Village twice and in numerous clubs in New Jersey, New York, Connecticut, Dallas and Fort Worth. Before moving to Texas in 2010, I founded and led a 13-piece (five horns) blues band in Jersey for seven years with my daughter Kate as the lead vocalist! Guess she got it from my side of the family since I also sing lead and harmony vocals. After a few "misses", I'm still looking for a permanent band to play with in TX.

In real life, I hold a Master’s degree in City and Regional Planning (environment, computers and statistics) and, after 44 years in IT, I'm still working full time as a Sr. Business Technology Analyst (Process Architecture) with American Airlines at their HQ in Fort Worth, TX. I'm finishing my masters certification in BPMN and completed all the coursework for my BPM certification.

A Note on Religion... After spending eight years with nuns, five more in a Catholic seminary and another three with the Jesuits, God appeared to me as a flaming Fender Strat and personally absolved me from having to genuflect ever again. Told me I'd done enough for three lifetimes.

And The Blues? My mother died of ovarian cancer when I was 19. My first wife died of breast cancer at 34 (Kate was 5). I got divorced from my second wife after 25 years of marriage. My third wife had brain aneurysm surgery only six months after our wedding and my daughter Kate contracted breast cancer at age 100% cured by marijuana tincture. The Blues and I have a very long and intimate relationship. I've paid my dues so I get to sing The didn't come easy. Check out my 2005-2010 13-piece blues band music at:

  • Work
    • Process Engineering
  • Education
    • Fordham University, BA
    • Rutgers University, MCRP
    • BPMEssentials, CBPMNP
    • BPM Institute, BPMP