Jeff Longren

I was born and raised not too far from where I live right now. It’s true, you know, life is circular. Born and raised in Topeka, Kansas, within distance of the Kansas River, I am the son of a third generation Irishman and the daughter of Anglo-Saxon mixed Native American heritage. By the time I was a teenager, I had seen nearly all the Caribbean Islands, some twice, hiked waterfalls in Jamaica, and dived with manta rays. Spent time in Hawaii when I was stationed there with the Marines, bounced around Okinawa, Hokkaido, even spent leave in Tokyo. I suppose one of the great constants, in my life at least, has been travel. All Marines are sent to California to rejoin the real world. I spent four years wandering around there, a former infantryman with few marketable skills, before I got married. Within three years I was a father, within 3 more years it had all fallen apart. My sons live with their mother in California, I returned to Kansas. More travel, more changes. I went East to St. Louis, returned West to Kansas City roughly 3 years ago. But is the sum of a man where he has been, what he has seen? Or is it what he does that defines him? In my time, I have taken orders from officers, driven taxis both here and near the US-Mexico border, transported schoolchildren and garbage. I have been the person calling at dinnertime with that limited time special offer, the counselor that aids in grief and funeral arrangements, I’ve even been the bouncer with the heart of gold. I’ve been homeless, lived alone, lived in communes and in suburbia. I’ve had lovers, friends, allies and roommates. I’ve been the head of Renaissance Clans, the buck private in the 2nd MarDiv 3rd BTN, and the oldest guy at the fast food register. So you, reader, I guess you need to determine how you define other people. For myself, I am content to be the Joe Everyman, Dutch Uncle, John Doe, jack of all trades master of none that my varied life has dealt me. Defining myself by any other criteria is an exercise I leave for those inclined.