Joanna Seidler

I don’t have an amazing story, but it’s mine. I'm a Jersey Girl, born and bred. I'm an ultra-proud mommy of the world's most adorable little boy. I'm daughter to an inspirational mom and amazing dad (may he rest in peace), a sister to an awesome brother and sister-in-law, aunt to a dynamic niece and nephew, and friend to many great people. Professionally, I'm an editor (looking for a new gig!) and real estate agent.

I know where I come from, but am not afraid to say that I don't know where I'm going. As I get older, I realize things are less defined... and it's kinda exciting! I’m learning that stepping out of my comfort zone truly makes me feel alive, and I’m thankful for the one who encourages me to do so.

I'm inspired by creativity. I love taking pictures and scrapbooking them. I enjoy most types of music. I try to see the positive in every situation. I love the beach, day or night. I hate cold weather. I love thunderstorms. I enjoy traveling, though don’t do it nearly as much as I hope to. My family and friends are my life. I bleed blue for my NY Giants and I hate shopping... yes, I'm a woman.

Favorite quotes:

* Everything is alright in the end. If it's not alright, it's not the end.

* Making the decision to have a child is momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body. -Elizabeth Stone