Jodi Okun
Author and Consultant in Seal Beach, California
Jodi Okun is the founder of College Financial Aid Advisors. She has successfully helped thousands of families navigate the financial aid process. Her expertise parallels her passion and has made her a top influencer in the financial aid industry.
Jodi’s background includes over ten years in the financial aid industry. She is a former Financial Aid Consultant Occidental College and Pitzer College.
Jodi is the brand ambassador for Discover Student Loans.Together, they believe in the value of a college education and empowering families with the financial resources they need.
Through Jodi’s large and loyal Twitter following, she has organically incorporated philanthropy into her brand. Every Thursday at 5pmPST, Jodi hosts #CollegeCash: a Twitter chat devoted to connecting college-bound families with higher education professionals.
As an entrepreneur, Jodi has expanded the CFAA brand tointroduce the Training Institute. This is an 8-week, online certification program designed to help other entrepreneurs open a new small business or add to their existing business. With more and more students enrolling in colleges each year, the competition for financial aid is fierce and the need for solid and reputable advisors is at an all time high.
Jodi is the Money Expert and was recently featuredas one of the ‘Top 30 Social Influencers in Personal Finance & Wealth.’ Sheis a social media strategist, speaker, consultant and small business advocate.