Joey Le

professor, pastor, and Activist in Fremont, California

I wish to be a dream manager. Whoever I meet, I want to connect their dream to God’s purposes.

I believe communion with the God and community with people is God’s purpose. Humanity is meant to represent God’s wise rule over creation. But, because of our sin and the nexus of suffering that it creates, humanity has squandered its gifts and call, finding fulfillment in things other than God, and establishing structures of domination. However, the Spirit of God has empowered men and women throughout history to bring people back into God’s fold. In the supreme act of love, God became like us, in order that we might be like Him. In Christ, we meet God face to face. And, if we recognize Him as the servant King, and if we commit to His way of living and dying, with all that it entails, then we can assume our original responsibility, and privilege, of representing God to creation, and creation to God. By the power of the Spirit, we establish structures of love and justice, embodying God’s presence.

My objective, then, is to be a pastor to pastors, and a teacher to teachers. I serve to strengthen the marriage of the Academy with the Church, offering biblical and theological education to all Christians and coach them to apply the truths and love of God in every context. I seek to mobilize the people of God to mediate God’s just reign in opposition to structures of oppression, fulfilling God’s purposes.

You can click the button above to hire me. If you’d like to get in touch, feel free to say hello through any of the social links below.

  • Education
    • PhD in Renewal Studies (Christian Theology), Regent University (2019)
    • Master of Divinity, Fuller Theological Seminary (2011)
    • Bachelor of Arts, University of California, Berkeley (2006)