Jose Jr Cortez
Software Engineer, Volunteer, and Designer in Singapore
~remarkably simple and humble.
Strong-Willed:"very confident in their own ability and very aggressive."
Practical: "posses a keen mind for organization, can quickly appraise a situation and diagnose the most practical solution"
Leader: "their forceful wills tend to dominate a group; make good judges of people; are quick and bold in emergencies"
Optimistic: "Adversity does not discourage them; instead, it whets their appetites and makes them even more determined to achieve their objectives"
Sensitive: "Usually, have high IQs and quite creative and naturally gifted, are emotionally responsive but internalize their feelings and tend to let their emotions (often dark) influence their thinking"
Perfectionist: "have strong perfectionist tendencies, and their standards of excellence usually exceeds others. Their analytical abilities combined with their perfectionistic tendencies, make them 'hounds for detail'. "
Faithful Friend: "they will keep those friends they attract and would literally lay down their lives for their friends"
Self-Sacrificing: "have the wonderful capacity of knowing their limitations and rarely take on more than they can do"
Hot-Tempered: "they can become violently angry in a snap. Even after exploding in a wrath, they often continue carrying a grudge. They have been known to be revengeful, going to almost any lengths to repay an injustice"
Cruel: "notorious for thinking that the end justifies the means"
Impetuous: "prompt us to blurt out cruel, blunt, and sarcastic statements that are very hurtful"
Self-Sufficient: "our self-confidence tend to be independent and self-sufficient"
Moody: "manifests the greatest mood fluctuation, often the result of our strong self-centered thinking pattern"
Revengeful: "may harbor their desire for revenge for years. They have been known to build up so much resentment that they explode in a fit of rage or by doing something bizarre and totally out of character"