John Carluccio

John Carluccio is an Emmy nominated filmmaker who is best known for documenting under-recognized pockets of urban society. His films have aired nationally and internationally. He has produced and/or shot for Current TV, MSG, MTV, TLC, BIT and BET.

From 2011 to 2013, he served as The Head of Development and Production at Dubspot music school. There he created new web series and short documentaries for the blossoming company. In 2014, Carluccio left Dubspot to build CINQUA, a new production company that creates innovative content with the aim to educate, entertain and inspire.

John’s debut documentary, Battle Sounds,premiered at the 1997 Biennial at The Whitney Museum of American Art. He was an Associate Producer on the theatrical motion picture Scratch (Sundance 2001). Portions of his documentary archives have appeared in Exit Through the Gift Shop (the Banksy Film, 2010) and Beautiful Losers (Sundance, 2008). His most recent film, Cease & Desist,airs on the ShortsHD Television Network and is available on iTunes.