John De Ruiter
Canadian Speaker and Author in Edmonton, Canada
An author and speaker, John de Ruiter has brought his unique approach to spirituality to people all around the world.
Based in Edmonton, Canada, John de Ruiter provides a fresh voice about the importance of spiritual evolution. His teachings revolve around the principle of “core-splitting honesty,” which he brings to his weekly meetings.
These meetings, conducted through Zoom throughout the pandemic, are characterized by silence, dialogue and connection through eye-contact. They present an opportunity for attendees to come to rest while actively realizing deeper levels of being human, knowing what they really are, and allowing that greater reality to change their lives.
For nearly 30 years, John has been holding meetings from his home base in Edmonton, Alberta. He established the College of Integrated Philosophy there in 2006.
When quarantine made in-person meetings impossible, John moved the meetings online and now hosts weekly Interactive Live Streams and multi-day online “Intensives.” These events allow John to bring his sense of community to a global stage through podcasts and live streams.
John has written two books: The Intelligence of Love and Unveiling Reality — both available for purchase on Amazon. John de Ruiter’s teachings can also be accessed through his podcasts, YouTube videos, and on John de Ruiter Radio.
In both his books and online meetings, John often focuses on conversations about consciousness and profound awakening. However, the meetings also delve into topics like relationships, parenting and sexuality.
The core of John’s teaching is about the fundamental presence of knowing. Thousands of people in Canada and all over the world have felt the resonance of John’s teachings and seen the profound significance of knowing. That awakening within each person helps form deeper relationships with others.
“As soon as greater reality moves and touches us, we awaken and we know differently. We awaken to the knowing of a resonance within that is dear and true and not understood. It is a profound, all-encompassing, beautiful inconvenience that says, ‘it’s time’.”
-John de Ruiter