John Garren ("Johnny G")

Teacher in Plantation, Florida

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EdTech Professional who takes pleasure in sharing knowledge with others. Exceptionally good with computers, math and science. Believes in sharing passions with students to connect with them. Treats students with respect, allows students control over their learning, and provides students with a practical forum to learn technology.

A trailblazer - "Boldly go..." Likes trying new things, but rooted and committed to making the present work. Hard working and believes in working together for the betterment of all humankind. Environmentalist with a connection to nature and the universe and loves all animals.

Father and husband. Eclectic interests in music and hobbies. Bit of a daredevil. Uncanny visual perception with spatial relationships. Equally uncanny sense of direction. Ability to remember number sequences as long as needed. Underwater digital photographer. Volleyball Coach. Toastmaster. Saxophonist. 4-H'er at heart.

"If [humankind] is to survive, he will have learned to take a delight in the essential differences between [people] and between cultures. He will learn that differences in ideas and attitudes are a delight, part of life's exciting variety, not something to fear."
~Gene Roddenberry

  • Work
    • Educator
  • Education
    • BBA
    • Math & Computer Science
    • Sign Language
    • Oracle AP JAVA Certification