Johnny Ball
Johnny Ball
Hello, thanks for stopping by. If you're interested to know more about me, there's a lot to know. I'll try to condense it.
Personal: live in Spain, happily partnered to a wonderful man who I love deeply, keen martial artist (background in kick boxing and kung fu, currently into bujinkan ninjutsu and Tai chi), live by the sea, learning Spanish, love reading, love travel, love dogs, love nature, passionate about personal development and sometimes likes to tickle the ivories or the funny bone (or both at the same time).
Professional: life/business/wealth coach with one of world's biggest personal development companies, writer, podcaster, blogger, passive income creator, investor, public speaker, workshop delivery and webinar presenter. Previous career flying the friendly skies with BA.
I'm a great guy to be connected to and a frikkin awesome coach according to my clients. Let's connect.