Jonny Evans

Seattle Wa

1000 words

Behind these words you will see an (extremely limited) snapshot(s) of my life lately. Feel free to take a look around because these are the things I do and people I love. I'm not sure what pseudo-random algorithm picked these photos, but I am glad to see my family was included, the painting that I do on both cars as well as wheels, and even a few (extremely dated) social pictures as well, just to keep up pretenses that I do in fact get away from hacking at my keyboard.

Behind the scenes

What you don't see is the massive amount of work I've done training for the software development olympics. (or apacolypse, whichever event comes first). My every waking hour not painting cars is spent soaking up every single class that is available on the net. Thanks to initiatives like MIT and Harvard's EDX, Khan academy, and the wealth of schools on Coursera, classes once reserved for the elite have been made available to any and all. While everyone had their eye on ObamaCare, mine was on ObamaCation... You see, 2013 was the year access to higher education swept across the world...

The Catalyst

A couple years ago I had cancer. "Beating" cancer gave me perspective, purpose, and the beginning of a solid foundation. Death has a way of speaking to you so you'll listen. Stephen King's near-lethal car crash became his muse. He finished writing his 30 year magnum opus after a harsh reminder of his fragile mortality..will I require that same shock?

The Inspiration

What will be my great contribution, I wondered? Heroes like Michio Kaku built a particle accelerator at 17. Elon Musk of Paypal fame has already made the electric car (Tesla), privatized space travel (SpaceX), SolarCity, and plans for the HyperLoop..

The Result

My every WAKING moment is spent coding as much as possible, I'm hopelessly addicted; my every SLEEPING moment is spent dreaming about different coding possibilities. NEVER in my wildest dreams did I think I could love anything more than the XBox, now it's just collecting dust while I ponder what's next..

  • Work
    • One Stop Auto Mobile Autobody
  • Education
    • Centennial Job Corps
    • Bellevue College
    • Massachusetts Institute of Technology