Jonathan James Todd

Life Coach based in Wellington, New Zealand

  • BIO

Life Coach at Live Your Genius. Consciousness writer/researcher, novelist, and film-maker. Philosopher and comprehensivist thinker. Particularly interested in consciousness, reality, and understanding the world as a system.

Here you will find information about various of my projects in writing, film, music and other media.

  • WRITINGNovels: Eidolon; The United States Of Dave. Mosaic: Imago. (Ebooks coming soon.)

Non-Fiction: Consciousness and Reality: How We Make The World and How To Make a New One; Riding The Tiger: The Principles and Process of Successful Self-Change; Kiwi Sufi: An Introduction to the teaching of Sheikh Abdullah Dougan.

Consciousness and Reality was shortlisted for the 2009 Ashton Wylie Unpublished Manuscript Competition. Actively seeking a publisher/agent for this.

Current Project: The Sunbathers.


Director of documentary feature film Combust In Unity.


* Consciousness and Reality, the Nature of Story, and Bad SF movies.

* A triptych on knowledge: a talk that will raise your IQ and lower your certainty


Free downloads of EPs by This Charming Mystery (instrumental/experimental) and Idle Faction (political post-hardcore); more Idle Faction downloads on Last FM.


"Whether or not it will be utopia or oblivion will be a touch and go relay race until the very end." - Buckminster Fuller

"There is absolutely no inevitability so long as there is a willingness to contemplate what is happening" Marshall McLuhan