Jon Barnes

Writer and Public Speaker in Brighton, United Kingdom

Read my book

"I would vote him for President!" - audience member 🀣
Hey. I'm Jon πŸ‘‹πŸΌ

I think, experiment and advise on stuff like:
β€’ The Future of Democracy (Board of MiVote)
β€’ The Future of Education (newsletter)
β€’ Modern Organisations (more here)
πŸ“– I wrote a book called Democracy Squared

🎬 I speak in public about working wiser, distributed democracy, organisational transformation

πŸ₯Š I advise CEOs of small and huge companies & co-founded Flux (with my best pal Jim)

πŸŽ“ I teach Digital Transformation on the 3rd best Exec MBA programme in the world at HEC Paris

πŸ“š I wrote chapters in 2 books "How Work Works", "Hacker, Maker, Teacher, Thief"; & this Guardian article

πŸŽ’ I own very few things and live in Brighton, UK with my beautiful girlfriend and my β€˜unreal son’


CONTACT: [email protected]

Consulting, advisory work, talks & conferences (details)