Jon Wuebben

Jon Wuebben is the CEO of Content Launch, the first content marketing software built with small and medium sized businesses (SMB’s) in mind. Feature rich for the large enterprise, yet affordable for smaller companies, the application enables you to plan, create, launch, promote and measure any type of content, helping you to connect with your online audience and positively impact engagement and sales.

ContentLaunch also offers 300 expert content writers to assist with creating compelling content. Jon's book, “Content is Currency: Developing Powerful Content for Web & Mobile”, helps businesses everywhere learn how to plan, create, distribute and manage content. It has been published in 5 countries around the world.

Jon has spoken at the Online Marketing Summit, South by Southwest (SXSW), Search Marketing Expo (SMX), New Media Expo,’s Annual Conference, the Media Relations Summit and for many organizations and industry groups in the areas of content marketing, mobile marketing, social media and entrepreneurship. Jon has an MBA in International Marketing from Thunderbird, The American Graduate School of International Management. He is also the author of "Content Rich: Writing Your Way to Wealth on the Web".

Jon will be forming Urban Entrepreneurs (UE) in 2015. UE is a non-profit organization that will assist inner city men and women in San Diego start new businesses through training, education and consultation.

When he's not running his company, speaking, or writing books, he writes pop songs on his Samick upright piano. In the past ten years, he has written 300+ tunes.