James Jordan50

Editor, Director, and Architect in Dhaka

Humane Foundation Empowering hearts, Igniting Change Together, let’s envision a world where the suffering of animals in factory farming becomes a thing of the past, where our health thrives, and where we prioritize the well-being of our environment.

BidBarn is a place where people, businesses, not-for-profits (charities), government agencies, and fiduciary duty officials, sell goods on a consignment basis using our exclusive ‘silent auction’ process.

Gambling is a widespread activity that involves risking money or valuable items on an uncertain outcome From casinos to sports betting, the allure of winning big can be enticing But what exactly does gambling entail Let s explore the various forms, risks, and potential rewards of this popular pastime

Sonnic Cleaning provides a wide range of commercial cleaning solutions, perfectly customized to suit various business requirements. Whether it's office spaces, carpets, or windows, our skilled team is equipped with the expertise and experience to deliver exceptional results across the board.