Jorge Luna

product designer, UX guardian, and Artist in Barcelona, Spain

Jorge Luna

product designer, UX guardian, and Artist in Barcelona, Spain

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☝️ I am a UX Guardian, Product Designer, and Tech entrepreneur living in Barcelona, Spain.

🛡 What is a "UX Guardian", you ask? Well, it's the role I've taken for the past 8+ years: someone who acts on behalf of the user in the fast-paced sometimes chaotic day to day of building and shipping a product.

👨🏻‍💻 I was the CPO for HeroFinder at CounterGrogWise (also a co-founder). I've carried the product from conception to publishing. We had 1M+ downloads and thousands of recurring users.

A few years ago, I co-founded TuerCo. (my first startup) where I was the lead designer & front-end developer for Tan-Tán.

👨🏼‍🎨 I'm also into Visual Arts where I mainly work with photography. I focus on how topics are represented (and why).

✍🏼 I write short non-fiction stories and some other thoughts every now and then.

👀 You can see some of my projects on my Behance or Dribbble pages.

📦 Some old links about my ever-present interests: UX, photography, movies, art, technology and music.

👋🏼 Feel free to say hello through any of the social links below 🙃

  • Work
    • Product Designer at MobyFox
  • Education
    • Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey (ITESM)