Josef Barth

Strategic Communication

Communication Officer at Central Public Proscecutor’s Office for Economic Crimes and Corruption of Austria in Vienna.

Josef Barth has been working in journalism, media and communication for more than 25 years: first as political journalist for Austria‘s news magazine Profil, later as a managing director at his Strategic Communications Consultancy; initiating and supporting transparency and democracy sideprojects.

Initiating the Freedom of Information-Act in Austria he served as a chairman of the Freedom of Information-Forum, organized the Austrian journalism conference, and served as a member of the National Ethics Committee for Public Relations.

Awards: Austrian State Prize for Public Relations, Award for Freedom of the Press and Democracy Award of the Lupac-foundation at the Austrian Parliament; furthermore the German Award for Online Communication in Crisis Situations in Berlin.

Teaching at the communication department and law school of University of Vienna.

  • Work
    • Justice System