Jose R. Prieto

DevOps Architect, Software Architect, and Tech Lead in Lugo, España

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«Thinking in doing better solutions from more than 20 years ago.»


I'm work as Software Architect, DevOp Architect, Solutions Architect, and Tech Leader.

I like to be an "evangelist" of best IT practices; SOLID, KISS, YAGNI, Clean code, design patterns, clean architecture.. Automation, pipelines, isolation, inmutability, o11y, relability, and so on..

I've work on IT from 1999; yeah, a few years.. With a lot of coleagues, companies (clients, partners, contractors), technologies, tools.. A lot of histories to tell us 😅🙈💪🏼

I worked with a lot of tools, languages, and stacks, over the years; but, right now, you can see mi current stack here (thanks to!):

Current Stack


«Brothers, what we do in life... echoes in eternity.»

  • Work
    • Avincis
  • Education
    • University of Santiago de Compostela
    • University of Alcalá
    • CodelyTV
    • KodeKloud