Josh Rollins

New York City

Josh Rollins is one persistent bastard who was told twice by his teachers that he will never be a writer, so naturally he had to prove them wrong. As a non-native New Yorker, he cares too much about living in the city to lead a normal life, which is a good thing, because he has no idea what the word even means.

JR has been writing blog posts and personal essays for years. He recently started to concentrate on short stories and flash fiction. A polyamorist, geek, and a wanna-be health nut, he keeps littering the internet with his personal opinions and how-tos that fall in the above three categories.

He is mostly interested in science fiction, erotica and horror and is known to combine the three in his writing, much to his own pleasure and those who like his smut.

Find Josh Rollins on Google+ and Twitter, where he is most active, or Follow his thoughts and writing process on his tumblr blog.

  • Work
    • Writer and Teacher