Joshua Caleb
Who I am: "Hardcore" PC & console gamer, Terrible at video games, Creative genius, writer extraordinaire, podcaster, dedicated web surfer, tech enthusiast, music aficionado, retro & modern gaming writer/podcaster. Author of the sci-fi/fantasy novel "Warped & Wired"
What I do: Author of the semi-satiricle, semi-serious RetroHate column on 1MoreCastle, Author of Game-N-Rage on Gaming Rebllion, Host & produce the retro gaming YouTube show InRetroSpection and write the occasional review for OfficialVGHC
Where I've Been: I have appeared and made short cameos on various tech Podcasts such as Gigawhat, The Gmen Show, Tech News Today, Buzz Out Loud, All About Android, Fourcast and At the Controls. I've also collaborated with game developer Phr00t on the the Android game, Droidcraft and PC game