Joy Nordenstrom

Writer, Teacher, and Mother in San Francisco, California

Joy Nordenstrom

Writer, Teacher, and Mother in San Francisco, California

I live for LOVE! I’ve had a wild ride over my life and the overarching theme has always been a passion for meaningful relationships –partners, friends, family and business colleagues, rich connections and making the most out of every day I am blessed to be alive. Since I’ve experienced several near death situations and have had many close to me pass (unfortunate they passed but fortunate I had the had the pleasure of keeping part of them with me), I am keenly aware of how precious life is and how important it is to not take for granted. I am someone who loves to learn, grow and experience all that I can.

One of my primary missions on this planet is to aid others in learning how to experience a richness in their lives that truly comes through healthy, thriving relationships.

My approach is multi-dimensional and in depth. I have studies across many different disciples to learn what it takes to make a fabulous first impression, create the beginning stages of a long-lasting relationship and then continue to grow and thrive in that connection over the years. I have experienced the good, bad and the ugly in my past relationships and am delighted to have learned from all of it. I teach my clients about their relationship patterns. Those patterns which are core to who they are and those that may not be serving their greater purpose and could use some tweaking. I help my clients learn how to be their best in partnership.

With all my life experience, I am happy to report I'm in an incredible, life-partnership and am so thrilled to be a mom and step-mom. Life is good!

I'd love to hear from you if you think I may be of service to you in your life. Message me here or go to my website and use my contact form at

Much love and happiness!

  • Education
    • Mills College