Jordan Rodbell

Mental Health, Public Health Management, and Substance Abuse Counseling in Atlanta, Georgia

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Jordan Rodbell is in pursuit of his Masters Degree studying Public Health at Emory University's Rollins School of Public Health. His pursuit to better health across the United States is not only a personal one, but has been a passion for him for many years. Having worked in the Substance Abuse Treatment field, he recognizes areas of improvement that must be made.

With his Masters, he hopes to be in a key role at a healthcare-based institution, corporation, or NGO. He enjoys making decisions, but also enjoys teaching; he's gained many respects for his ability to break-down technical jargon to plain-speak.

His department in the school of Health Policy & Management is focused on Mental Health. He recognizes an epidemic of untreated depression across the country, and hopes to be the face of change for the industry and people across the United States.

He personally has felt the detriment of depression, the horrendous side effects of living your life in such a way. As a public health professional, he hopes to first tackle the stigma of depression. When someone is depressed, it does not mean they are weak. It does not mean that they have no goals. It's not feeling sad over an event or person.

Next, he hopes to expand and improve on marketing messages of the importance of treating depression. If mental health disorders, such as depression, go untreated it can be far more dangerous than any physical injury. He hopes that eventually, when someone experiences or recognizes depression symptoms in someone else, they are not intimidated or shy away from getting the help that is needed.

For a brighter future and greater mental health across the nation, Jordan hopes to get started in the Public Health field as soon as he possibly can.

  • Work
    • Sage Hill Pediatrics
  • Education
    • Emory University