Jeremy Thacker

Software Sales, Sales, and DIY in Phoenix, Arizona

Jeremy Thacker

Software Sales, Sales, and DIY in Phoenix, Arizona

Like it was yesterday, I remember the first time I was told I was a catalyst. I was in second grade and had been called out of class into a room with the principal and a couple of people I had never met. They explained to me that I had taken a personality and aptitude test and they wanted to share the results with me. While I remember very little else about the meeting, I remember being told that the test categorized me as a "catalyst" or "change-agent". To help me understand, they told me that I will always be looking for the fastest way to get from point A to point B.

Looking back on that assessment, I think it would be extremely difficult to argue the accuracy of those predictions. I think the people who know and love me would agree and use "catalyst" or a variation of it to describe me. In all truth, even the people that do not like me would probably use that word or some derivative of it. As I have learned over the years, not everyone welcomes or appreciates change.

With that said, I have done my best to embrace and harness my ability to make things happen. My life plan and principles all revolve around being a catalyst for positive change. While everyone has their own ideas of how to do that, I believe the most effective and sustainable way to change things is to inspire others with leadership by example. My mission is to live a principled and considered life based around an unrelenting commitment to seeking and speaking the truth....about the world, other people, and myself.

In business, I want my work and the company I work for to be part of the solution by making things better with innovation, progress, and clarity. You better believe that I love technology. At my core, I am a nerd. To some people, technology might be considered work. I am not one of those people. While I am a geek, I, also, have the acumen and mindset of an entrepreneur along with the ambition and drive of a sales guy.

Are you looking for positive change? If so, I would love to hear from you.

  • Work
    • Software and IT Sales