Juan Tain Varela

Digital Marketing Specialist in Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Juan Tain Varela, a native of Cáceres in Spain's Extremadura region, grew up admiring the natural beauty of the area where he resided near the Tagus, the Iberian Peninsula's longest river. He intended to join the University of Extremadura after completing his Spanish high school certificate (Bachillerato) in 2007. However, his ambitions altered that summer when his father's company moved him to their forest and paper manufacturing facilities in the Brazilian state of Maranho.

Varela got the chance to study best practices in industrial engineering in one of Brazil's biggest pulp and paper production locations over the next two years. He also enrolled in general education and engineering studies at Universidade Estadual do Maranho, the state university based in So Lus, the state capital. While completing classes, he developed an early interest in financial courses and had his first exposure to the possibilities of internet-based and digital marketing activities.