Judi Perkins

I am a 52 year old hip and happenin',salty, Christian cowgirl. If you get to know me, I hope my light shines so that you know first and foremost that Christ is my most important love. Second love is my fantastically handsome and sexy husband, who is probably more sold out to God than me. On this earth, he is my rock. I have 2 wonderful children, 29 and9, (yeah, you read that right!). My youngest has Down Syndrome, and is one cool kid. Got 3 grandboys, including identical twins; their mom is not my daughter-in-law, she is my own precious baby girl I never had :) I invest in real estate to make ends meet, and am currently working towards financial independence, having partnered with the fastest-growing privately held company in America, Ambit Energy out of Dallas, TX. Your dreams can be a reality, too, with Ambit. Go to www.judip.energy526 and watch a short video. "Whatever you can do or dream, begin it. Boldness has genius, magic and power in it. Begin it NOW!!" ~ Goethe