Dr. Judith Wright
Chicago, Illinois
[if gte mso 9]>Best-selling author and inspirational speaker Dr. Judith Wright is awidely acclaimed expert in women’s lifestyles, relationships and careerdevelopment. She has been featured in hundreds of well-known media programs,including “Oprah,” “20/20,” and “GoodMorning America.” Judith is the founder of the Society of Femininity inAction (SOFIA), an organization dedicated to developing and training womenleaders. She coined the term “soft addictions” in her best-selling book The Soft Addiction Solution. Her mostrecent book, “Transformed! The Science ofSpectacular Living,” is a Nautilus Book Awards winner, and her book oncouples and intimacy is scheduled for release this year! Judith founded theWright Graduate University and the Wright Foundation for the Realization ofHuman Potential. Building on 30 years of research and experience, she continuesto train individuals that range from fortune 500 CEOs to stay-at-home moms onthe science of leading lives they love.