Judy Reid
Figuring It Out in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
I was born in Newfoundland, grew-up in Labrador, lived and worked in Scotland, Bosnia, Afghanistan, the oil fields of northern Alberta and now Ottawa, Canada.
I have jumped out of an airplane, tripped up in high heels, put together a C-7 rifle with my eyes closed, pulled all-nighters working on newspapers, newsletters and late papers, marched 49 km with 50 lbs on my back, danced until 6 am, sung goofy versions of “The Christmas Song” to troops in Bosnia and Afghanistan, learned how to build tiny houses in California and driven my motorcycle from Boston to Ottawa in the pouring rain. Now I'm learning not to panic on stage at the Improv Embassy and letting loose my inner wild child with Ottawa's sketch troupe the Shit Hot Shit Show.
Some day I am going to build a really, really small house on wheels to pull back to Newfoundland. But before I get there I've got time for a few more odd jobs along the way.
Current Mission: Performing my one-woman show "How to Get Over a Guy in 723 Days (and Other Useful Things I Learned from Afghanistan, the Dildo Dory Grill, and PTSD)" during the Ottawa Fringe Festival (June 14-24) at the National Art Centre. See www.oddjobninja.com for tickets, donations, and details. Half of the profits from the show will be donated to the Improv Embassy to develop an improv course for people with PTSD and anxiety.