Julia Groves

Hi my name is Julia. I am the 3rd of 7 children raised in a good Christian home. I was Home-schooled (from the middle of my 6th grade year through High School) and I attended a small classical liberal arts college.

Back in 2008 I met my other half. After a lengthy courtship of a month and a half he proposed on Christmas Day and we were married just under 3 months later in March of 2009.

We now have 3 crazy wonderful kids who my husband and I both are involved in raising and educating (yes we homeschool).

My days are filled with my roles of Wife, Mother, Blogger (TheQuietGrove.com) and most recently Graphic Designer/Etsy Store Owner (www.etsy.com/shop/TheQuietGroveDesigns).

As far as interests go

-I am crazy in love with my husband and kids.

-I love spending time with good friends and family playing games as well as just hanging out and talking (sometimes for hours).

-My husband and I are both big on providently living.

-I am a avid book reader (yes I the term book worm has been used in reference to me on more then one occasion),

-I really enjoy cooking and baking (for those who aren’t versed in the culinary arts…yes there is a difference.) I am always on the look out for another great recipe to try out.

-I enjoy making things to beautify my home and make as gifts for others (using my silhouette, sewing, painting, crocheting, Etching, Graphic Design etc…)

-I love the out of doors. I love taking long (and I mean LONG) walks, going hiking, camping, 4 wheeling, go-carting, picnicking and more.

-I love movies (especially fairy tales, true stories, BBC, and Old classic movies)

-I have a very eclectic taste in music (pretty much anything but rap or Heavy medal)