Julian Ivann

Consultant, Designer, and Project Manager in San Mateo, California

Visit my store

I am a consultant, designer, and store owner currently living in San Mateo, California. My interests range from sustainability to philanthropy. I am also interested in food, fashion, placemaking, and technology.

You can click the button above to visit my store. If you’d like to get in touch, feel free to say hello through any of the social links below.


Interested in meeting...

Creators. Dreamers. Visionaries.
People who live proactively.
Who give it their all and love what they do.
People who strive for a better future.
Who are kind and help those less fortunate.

People with a (+) vibe.

Who are uplifting and free-spirited.
People of all shapes and sizes.
Who have interesting
backgrounds and experiences.

Basically... Anyone.

There are plenty of interesting
and unique people out there
Yes, you are one of them.
I am young and ignorant.
Open my eyes and fascinate me.

Art is beauty that is within
each and every one of us.
Be passionate with what you do
and become an artist.
Master the skills of your craft
and fulfill your dreams.
Aim high and reach for the stars.

Impossible is Nothing.

[S.P.R.E.A.D.] the Philosophy.