Julie Lane

Personal Trainer & Behaviourist in London, United Kingdom

Julie Lane

Personal Trainer & Behaviourist in London, United Kingdom

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I am a seasoned change agent having spent over 20 years in the hectic digital arena before focusing exclusively on lifestyle counselling for people who are affected by various life challenges, including mental health problems like stress, anxiety and depression, or those who have difficulty with weight management. I specialise in helping people make targeted and specific lifestyle changes through coaching, diet and exercise. For example, I help Type 1 diabetics use less insulin and manage chronic inflammation through diet changes and exercise, and I help Type 2 diabetics lose weight and reduce the need for medication through healthy eating and easy to maintain fitness programmes. I create fun exercise programmes for any level of fitness.

  • Work
    • ExerciseYOU
  • Education
    • University of Liverpool
    • California Polytechnic State University
    • CPPD London
    • YMCA College of Physical Education