Justin Emmanuel

I am originally born in Johannesburg, South Africa. I moved to Nashville,TN at age 9. I graduated from Middle Tennessee State University with a BS in TV/Film Production. The time between finding jobs in the mass media field led me to my second love which is fitness. I am currently a certified fitness trainer and have been since 2003. I work at a few studios, country clubs and peoples homes. You find out very quickly that time stretches even more while you are building a client base. Even with a full load there are still many hours in the day that are not used. This led me to another venture. Real Estate. I buy/sell/rent homes now in my spare time. I am always looking for another house to buy. My wife and 3 kids support and help me all the time which makes all of this very easy to handle, not to mention, it is never a chore to go to work because I love everything I do.