Justin Harder

Justin Harder lives with a cat in America. He probably enjoys a lot of the same things you do. Breathing. Smiling. Staring. The word 'huzzah.' No? Moving on. His creative purpose is to inspire through pictures, words and performance. To be in a perpetual state of play. To acquire knowledge through mistakes. To smile. To make others smile. Which brought him to writing. And this Blog. He's written in sketchbooks for as long as he's drawn in sketchbooks. He created this blog in 2004 as a place where he could share his writings with the world. He holds no degree in English or Creative Writing, clearly, and received sub-par marks in those courses throughout schooling. But something has always intrigued him with the power of the written word, and finds that in writing, the purest form of creative self expression is found. Justin graduated with an Illustration BFA from Ringling College of Art and Design in 2003 and has resided in Dallas, TX ever since. Until January of 2011, when he will be making a cross country trip in an RV to Los Angeles, CA, where he will then reside. Justin is available for freelance writing or design/illustration creative at all times. Email him at [email protected]. Thank you for reading and come back any time.