Justin Jester

Tattoo Artist in United States

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Justin Jester is a Tattoo Artist who designs unique custom artwork and design for his clients. A self-proclaimed man of God, Justin is passionate about utilizing his artistic and creative talents to glorify Christ. He specializes in religious tattoo designs, featuring religious figures such as Jesus Christ and saints in the Catholic faith. After retiring from the United States Air Force, Justin decided to pursue his ultimate dream of peaking an artist.

A day in the life of Justin Jester includes designing tattoo art that glorifies God, from unique designs of scripture and Bible verses to portrait imagery. A modern Christian in his own way, Justin is passionate about showing other believers that there is no set way to follow a Christian lifestyle. While many people might not consider tattoos to fit in with the stereotypical look of a follower of Christ, Justin strongly disagrees. Through his involvement in the church and community, he hopes to shine the spotlight on the many different ways a persona can be true to their religion and their own personal sense of identity.